Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mexian Fiesta Hat Party

The birthday boy.

A normal Saturday night in the Jacaranda Lodge; Mexican Fiesta.

Everyone had to wear a hat. Cara loves us Scandinavians and wants to be just like us. Go Vikings!

The house was quite full in the end. "Sild i toner" as we say in Norway.

Beer-pong. Greg and Cara.

A bit sceptic to suck on the dick.

Jelly shots. Maja, Millie, Jill, me, Kathi and Cara.

Farmer-Barbie, Ken and Senorita-Barbie.

Sexy Aussie.

Chris, Rahul, Greg and Hans.

David, the man.

The sexiest bloke from the bush.

We had a pretty awesome night. Consumed way too much goon again, together with jelly shots and tiquila. Guessing it's a good thing I start uni tomorrow so I can start relaxing.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Me in Paddington.

Pope Benedikt of Jacaranda Lodge in Paddington

Pidgeon Hans, Chrissy-boy, Mills and Pope.

Tenkte jeg bare skulle informere dere om min nye adrese i tilfelle dere har lyst og sende meg en pakke. Jeg liker pakker!

Just thought I should share my new addy just in case you feel like sending me a present. I like surprises very much!Hot stuff.

Ida Johnsen Berglund
25/12 Vulture st
West end 4101

Naa venter jeg bare paa full postkasse.
Hoping for a full mailbox now.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goon Island

Hans "The Pigeon", Mike, Greg, Hank, Millie, Martin, Olley, me, Cara, Jill, Dennis and Johan.

Thursday, a group of us decided we wanted to go camping. So Friday we got on a train, and a few hours later we had our tents and good-tree set up and we were ready for weekend in the wild. And there is no doubth it was wild.

The Goon-tree

Our camp site.

Our sexy Swede.

Girl power. Me, Jill, Cara and Millie.

And then the party starts....

A bonski for J.C (Jesus Christ).

Don't try this at home. Climbing rocks drunk is dangerous!

Our very drunk pigeon.

Millie loves the older generation.

Ida needed a break.

Bonfire on the dancefloor.

My very personal rollercoaster.

Me, Sanna and Millie dancing on the beach.

The boyz fighting.

And the party continues....

After to nights in the wild we looked like stranded whales on the beach.

Greg decided to look for fish...which turned out to be poisonous stone fish.

Had a great weekend. None of us are ever having goon ever again. All together we had about 20 litres goon, some mojito, captain and whisky. The hpuse has never been more quiet.

Take care,

(for more details read this blog).