Welcome to the city of Queanbeyan - The fastest growing city of NSW.
Wednesday morning Millie and I got on the first flight to Canberra, which is the capital city of Australia btw. We were there for five days, and stayed with Rowan hand his family.
We started the sightseeing as soon as we got there. I actually think we went to all the museums they have during our stay.
We met the guys from High School. Josh, Tim, Rowan and Jacob.

"An unknown Australian soldier killed in the war of 1914-1918".

Kasie and Millie in deep concentration while making the T-shirts.
On Friday 29th of April, when the rest of the world watched the Royal Wedding of William and Kate, we saw Justin Bieber live in Sydney. Prior to this we had to make our very own T-shirts to impress him.
Being back in Queanbeyan was weird, but good. Even though its five years ago I lived there, things haven't changed much, people are the same, and it still feels like the second home, believe it or not.
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