For starter, this house is crazy as you may notice after reading this post. But I'll start off easy. A few weekends ago the yearly "riverfire" was held here in Southbank. Riverfire is a firework-show...thats it! It was great though. They made music and the fireworks to match, had random jet planes and we had a great time.
River Fire

Swedish Grayfish Party

Every August/September the Sweedes gather to celebrate the end of summer with Grayfish, shots and songs. Hence, we invited to dinner party.
In our back yard
A little bit later from the other side of the table.
Millie, me and Feli got arrested....
It was a great night. We ate a lot of grayfish and pie, sang a lot of drinking songs, the police came at 7 pm, had a lot of snaps, and at the end of the night: we got a new family member: Marcel.
Dave, Marcel and Joe.
Marcel and Joe do everything together. Street party in the Valley
Sanna, Kathi and myself ready for the street party.

Scavanger Hunt
Yesterday, norSK arranged a scavanger hunt. We were dressed as Anynomouse Drunken Kleptomaniacs (ADK). Our team included Joe, Sanna, Millie, Feli, Kathi, Cecilie and me.

ConvictedInmate no. 41938889-v
Arrested for stealing condoms, Aussie blokes, ponography, Bens, Joe's Undies, Chicken, street signs, olives, alcohol, children, donkies, snakes, credit cards, cash, strip poles, passports, shoes, keys AND cigarettes.

Our first task was to get a stranger to join our team. We got Sam (with the hat). Later we had to do a lap dance for him...Individually. The Asian guy just wanted to be in the picture.

The next task was to collect beer bottles and drinking in public.
On the way between posts....
The "001 Security Guard". Great guy!

At the third post there was a bit of waiting. But who cares when you meet great people this cool. One of the ladies really wanted a photo with Daniel and his klubbe.
The task was to peel a banana with no hands.
Before the 4th post we needed food....Maccas?!?

Oh yea, Joe, Millie and Cecilie got naked...And Millie had to lick cream off Kathis face.
Cecilie had her undies signed by half the people in Brissie.
Norway and the police
Bandidos in Marriot Holtel....
Millie decorated the kitchen.
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