Friday, January 20, 2012

Reality check

School starts again on Monday and I want more holidays. This has been the first proper holiday I've had in very many years. By proper I mean no work and no school for weeks.

After Lise left I kind of felt into an isolation bubble. Which has been amazing. I've read some books,  manipulated photos, been on facebook, thought of writing letters and e-mails, I've been shopping, cooked for fun, watched all seasons of gossip girl again, slept, stayed up to date with the Norwegian news, had three days of open house, found new roomies....I thought about bloging too, but this is all that has happened, so I did get a tiny bit depressed when I started writing and had to stop after one sentence.

After these three weeks in isolation from the outside world, I am finally ready to start school. Personally, I think I've made an excellent choice with my courses this semester. I'll be taking Physiology which is just a basic one. One course is about family crises with eating disorders and drug problems. We have to attend one AA, OA NA or something like that - meeting, and write a report about it. Should be interesting. Another course I'm taking turned out to be a cooking class! Cooking is not my strongest side, but maybe my new skills I developed in my isolation bubble will pay out now. We have to be in a lab and the school kitchen every second people will actually have to eat this food. Obviously I have no idea on how I will pass this class. The last one I will be taking is nutrition assessment. Since the professor is so slow publishing the course outline/syllabus I don't know what we will be doing.

It's raining here now by the way. Just thought you should know. And it's cold.

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