First day of second week is over. My time table is finally as it should be, so now I can start studying for exams, quizzes, assignments and stuff.
Since I'm here, I figured I'll do some other courses than what I normally do or at least try something different. My courses are:
Sport, exercise and fitness
Anatomy will probably be the hardest one considering all the memorising and details. But also the most interesting and exciting course. We actually get to dissect cadevas (Norwegian: lik) from next week on. In the first lab the professor showed us two cadavas. One was a lady in her 60's who died last September of leukaemia. Someone had already worked on her and to be honest, it smelt! The other one was a man in his 60's as well who died of cancer in his liver 2 months ago. The body was very well kept, white and dry in a way. I really think I'm going to like this subject.
Endocrinology seems like it will be very interesting. As it implies, it's all about hormones.
Sport, exercise and fitness is the same or very similar to a course I've had before. I'm just doing it that way so I'll be able to have a social life in between as well. Because, on top of all uni work here we have to volunteer with the international student organisation, IEEC. I am volunteering as an officer, meaning I work for one commmitee arranging trips during the semester.
My last course, bioethics, was actually recommended by my flat mate. It sounds really exciting. Each class we will discuss the ethics behind gene manipulation, transplantation, artificial organs etc.
Back to the trips. We are planning to go to Lake Tahoe for skiing.
Vegas for gambling
Grand Canyon for a view

Napa for some vino

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