Sunday, May 22, 2011

The hard life of a celebrity

Black and Yellow party!

Welcome to the International Brisbane

Silje and Sara - my beautiful flatmates.

Another weekend is gone, and the exam pressure is kind of slowly getting me. Its less than a moth left, and thats not very long!
I still have time to take weekends off, which is quite nice. Friday night was movie night. Linn, Lene and I went to see Source Code. Alright movie, which really reminded me of another one that I cant remember. Now, there're only two movies left I really HAVE to see. Pirates 4 and the smurf movie. Yes, yes, really excited.


Saturday, as always, we went out. The French house (one of the international houses here) threw another International house party that we, of course, had to go to.

Millie and Cecilie waiting in the VIP room for the X-Factor auditions.

Tired, Lene?

It resulted in a few tired people the next day. But no reason to be tired when there is a Greek Festival on AND X-Factor is in town.

We spent the morning in Musgrave park, eating great Greek food, looked at farm animals, danced traditional Greek Folk dance and enjoyed the sun. Later we took off to Boondall for the X-factor auditions.
As we got there a guy came over to us and told us we could get the best seats in the front. Bah, its hard to be beautiful. The only thing we had to do was to tell people that our mum was some kind of producer...if someone asked.

Yupp, thats how close we were.

Lisa met Pink

X-Factor; me, Cecilie, Chelsea, Millie and Marte.

There was a bit of waiting, but so worth it. There were some really amazing singers there, we got to see Ronan Keating and Mel B and cried from laughter of some of the performances. Great night!
We constantly had a video camera on us by the way, so we gonna be on TV. We gotta enjoy the few weeks before the paparazzis start terrorizing us. Ah, the hard life of a celebrity....


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

17.mai 2011 (our national day)

Gratulerer med forsinket 17.mai alle mann!

Vi hadde en fantastisk feiring i år igjen i Brisbane. Sjampisen ble poppet klokken 7.30 og alle i huset (nordmennene) spiste en lang og god frokost sammen, før vi dro til byen for å gå i tog.

Superkokken Cecilie slo til igjen. Denne gangen med scones.

Toget gikk gjennom sentrum av Brissi-town, ble eskortert av politibiler og hele byen var lyst opp av glade, røde, hvite og blåe nordmenn.

Etter toget satte vi oss ned i "the beer garden" som noRSK og ANSA hadde fikset til oss på Gardens Point. Vi koset oss lenge i sola med øl, pølser, vaffler, musikk og masse hyggelige nordmenn selvsagt. Da vi hadde blitt litt solbrente, stemmene begynte å svikte litt og vi hadde tatt oss en trall med folkedans, bestemte vi oss for å dra hjem og slappe litt av med kaffe og kake.

På kvelden hadde ANSA (student organisasjonen vår her nede) arrangert middag på Friday's. Maten var kjempe god. Jeg spiste fisk og is til dessert. Tilsammen var vi 150 gjester der, og utover kvelden kom det mange flere. Det ble igjen holdt taler og loddtrekning med norsk mat og godter som pris.

Dokumentasjon av middagsvordet vårt.

Alt i alt, hadde vi en fantastisk feiring av Norge. Det er gøy å se at alle blir så patriotiske i utlandet. Fra nå av har 17.mai-feiringene litt å leve opp til, for jeg tror kanskje denne var den beste så langt.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

7 weeks left of this country

There are only three weeks left at uni, and I've less than 7 weeks left in Australia. Crazy how time flies! I'm actually looking forward about leaving Aussieland. Of course, leaving everyone will be sad, but its time for something new. I've actually spent 3.5 years here now. Way too much time for one place.

Lately, the whole house have been suffering from colds and coughing. Cecilie went to the doctor in the end and came home with a breathing mask. It has been wisely used at home.
Silje also went and came home with an antibiotic cure of 10 capsules a day. There is a big question mark when it comes to Aussie GPs.

The doctor - me - strapping up Millie's fighting-injury, while she is getting some fresh air.

One night Millie and I came home from a pool party (hence the bikini), we decided to walk the street hunting a cat. We never found the cat, but it was a nice exhibition. The lap-top, with Sigrid on it, joined us.

We spent today in the Valley walking around the Valley Market and having lunch at a really nice and cosy cafe.

The cafe.

Lene, Linn, Emilia, me and Cecilie.

Just some photos from the easter I had forgotten all about.

Emilia, her friend Tina and me at Southbank.

And a movie night - cause we do something but drinking...

Monday, May 2, 2011

The return to Queanbeyan - Easter part 2

Welcome to the city of Queanbeyan - The fastest growing city of NSW.

Wednesday morning Millie and I got on the first flight to Canberra, which is the capital city of Australia btw. We were there for five days, and stayed with Rowan hand his family.

We started the sightseeing as soon as we got there. I actually think we went to all the museums they have during our stay.

We met the guys from High School. Josh, Tim, Rowan and Jacob.

"An unknown Australian soldier killed in the war of 1914-1918".

Kasie and Millie in deep concentration while making the T-shirts.

On Friday 29th of April, when the rest of the world watched the Royal Wedding of William and Kate, we saw Justin Bieber live in Sydney. Prior to this we had to make our very own T-shirts to impress him.

Being back in Queanbeyan was weird, but good. Even though its five years ago I lived there, things haven't changed much, people are the same, and it still feels like the second home, believe it or not.
